Empowering Unconventional Living


Life. Relationships. Career

Autism Services

I work with autistic individuals and their families, as well as providing training 

Relationship Coaching

Colleagues, Family, friendships or romance, I can support you to flourish 

Love & Sex

Whomever and However you love, we are here to support you

Books & Training

I produce books and training courses on hypnosis, psychotherapy and wellbeing

Helping Unconventional People Live Exceptionally

Normal is Over-rated!

I work with neurodivergent people and others who might feel misunderstood, marginalised or misplaced by the world around them. Whether you are autistic, queer, exploring alternative relationships, or you just feel that you don’t quite fit, I would love to work with you to help you discover your best way of being in the world.

How Can I Help?

Individual and Family Therapy

I work with individuals, couples and families incorporating Solution-focused Brief Therapy and Therapeutic Hypnosis. 

Coaching, Mentoring and Support

Perhaps you don’t require therapy, but would still like someone to help you navigate various transitions and challenges in life. Whether that’s a sounding-board to try out new ideas, a shoulder to cry on, or practical advice, I am here for you.

Love, Sex & Relationships

If you are looking to explore an open relationship, considering Living Apart Together, or simply seeking a therapist who is non-judgemental and kink-friendly, get in touch.


I offer training and consultancy for Local Authorities, charities, businesses and any organisations that aim to genuinely support autistic people, for the good of autistic people. This can be provided online or on-site.

How Do You know If Neurodeviant

is Right For You?

Before you get in touch, you might have a few more questions to think about, to decide if you are ready to begin exploring this course of action.

Do you need to talk to someone who is on your level?

Above any of my training or experience, I pride myself on being accepting, non-judgemental and positive about those I work with. You won’t feel like you are talking to someone who thinks they are above you, because I am not!

Unconventional therapy for unconventional people

Some people find that working with me doesn’t even feel like therapy. I don’t even have a couch for you to lie back on! In the same way, the hypnosis I use does not fit the stereotype of swinging watches and mind-control. We will mostly have interesting conversations, with quirky questions and some empowering experiences thrown-in for good measure.

Friendly is not enough!

It is increasingly common for professionals to proudly refer to themselves as ‘autism-friendly.’ Yet the same people will then go on to attempt to fix you, or at the very least help you to appear more normal (so as not to make other people uncomfortable). That doesn’t seem too friendly to me – and it is certainly not accepting. 

I prefer to think of myself as ‘autism-celebratory.’ I will help you draw upon the strengths and resources that you possess, to live a life you love because you are autistic, not in spite of it.

Consent and Confidentiality

We can talk about anything you need to work on – but we will only discuss those areas you consent to. And, except in circumstances where the law dictates it, the conversation does not go anywhere else. 

So you can feel free to talk about the nature of your relationship(s) and things you might want to explore. We can look at issues of jealousy, resentment, anger or shame, in full confidence that it is a safe space to do so.

Experience where it counts

Some therapists study for years to master e.g. the ideas of Freud, Jung or Beck. Yet they can lack real-world experience. Or they are empathic, understanding and caring, but don’t possess the knowledge or practical experience to know how to best use that.

I have been working with solution focused therapy – both for Children’s Social Care – and in private practice for over 15 years. I have worked with families on the brink of collapse, children about to be excluded or taken into care and individuals rebuilding their lives after severe burn-out. I have also had the privilege of teaching mindfulness and self-hypnosis for over 30 years. 

My Approach

My work incorporates a number of methodologies, including Solution-focused Brief Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Life Coaching. However, all of that would be useless if it was not built on my non-judgemental nature, listening ear and enthusiasm for unconventional people seeking to live extraordinary lives!

We would work together to help you formulate your own goals from therapy and stop as soon as you feel you have reached your destination. Some clients just see me once, to set their focus and come up with a plan. Others prefer the safety net of a year-long plan, with regular support along the way.

If you don’t feel that ‘therapy’ is right for you, but you still feel the need for some coaching, mentoring or advice, get in touch and we can discuss how I might best support you. This could be as simple as discussing a relationship issue, advice on applying for a job, or ongoing support navigating life’s transitions.

How It Works

Schedule a Free 1:1

Your furst step is contacting me to discuss how you think I might be able to support you. (This can be email, text, videochat or phone-call.) We can then see if we are a fit and book you in for your first session. This can take place online or in person. Many clients prefer a face-to-face for their first appointment, but it is not essential.


Choose a Plan

During your first session, we will discover if you require an individual appointment, a series of one-offs session (booked as and when you require them), or whether you might be best served by one of our more long-term plans. The decision is entirely yours and will depend on your unique requirements.

Reach Your Goals

We then keep working together until you reach your goals! Our work is practical and educational, so even after we stop working together, you will have skills to take with you as you continue on with your exceptional life.

1 Individiual Session

A one-hour session might be all you need to see some clarity, learn some skills, or set some goals. Alternatively, you might want to book sessions on an ad hoc basis, to remove a phobia, work on your anxiety, or overcome a habit.


More Details

A full list of the kind of issues people might come to therapy for can be found here. If you feel that you would benefit from more than a one-off session, but do not feel ready to commit to a 6-week or 12-month plan, you are more than welcome to book a series of individual sessions. You can book individual sessions on a week-by-week basis, fortnightly or monthly. This is entirely up to you, but we are happy to advise if you require guidance on this matter.

6 Week Coaching Plan

You might already know that you will want more than 1 session. This could be because you have a particularly stress-full time coming up, you are about to change schools, or you just have a number of issues you want to work on and will value the extra sessions. 


More Details

Our ‘Coachiing Plan’ might involve hypnosis, solution-focused therapy or life coaching. This is fully dependant on what you want to work on and how. This can all be discussed and decided on together. Please note, if you already know that you want more than 1 session, the 6-week plan will save you over £150.

12 Month Support Plan

The 12 Month Support Plan may be just what you are looking for if you feel that you or your family need ongoing practical support, mentoring and therapy. One previous client said that it provided a reassuring ‘safety net’ when they were going through a particularly difficult time. 


More Details

This plan consists of 2 monthly one-hour sessions for an entire year, though these can be flexibly spaced-out to suit your schedule. Also included is email support, feedback and additional online sessions where appropriate. This plan will save you over £250.  

Any Questions?

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